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Equine Derm Spray is a topical solution that aids in the relief of irritation, redness, discomfort, supports healing and promotes healthy skin and manes that can be easily applied directly to the area! This product also include citronella, a natural ingredient known to repel insects.


Ingredients: Hemp Flavonoid Extract, Ozonated Coconut Oil, MCT Oil, Rose Water, Tea Tree, Witch Hazel, Aloe, Citronella.

Size: 8oz or 1 gallon

Directions For Use:

Spray area until saturated (Avoid spraying near eyes). May use up to three times daily.

Store at room temperature. Keep away from excessive heat.

(This Product Contains ZERO THC & ZERO CANNABINOIDS)


A Certificate of Analysis for this product can be found on Equine Health Solutions COA page. This document will allow you to see which cannabinoids (by name and quantity as a percentage of total), are in the product. Please note that the CoA for the product you receive may be slightly different, as each product batch will have its own CoA. We do this to ensure transparency, consistency, and quality for our customers.

Equine Derm Spray

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